Moving from pain, dis-ease and stress toward optimal effortless living
What is your journey to improved health and optimal well-being? Whether you suffer from chronic pain, mental and emotional stress, or simply a sense of dis-ease, the journey into healing is a process that addresses both body and mind, and that can reliably bring freedom from discomfort along with improved physical, emotional and mental health, as well a a sense of spiritual self-realization. As someone who once suffered high levels of stress and major physical pain that she was told was incurable, Ingrid Bacci has spent the last thirty-five years learning about, certifying in, practicing, teaching and writing books about the life-transforming approaches that helped her heal both physically and emotionally and through which she has witnessed thousands of others do the same. These therapies, which she integrates into her unique practice, include Craniosacral Therapy, the Alexander Technique, Yoga, Qigong and body awareness training. She is passionate about this work and about the difference it can make, and happy to share it with you.
Professional Services:
– Chronic pain reduction
– Craniosacral Therapy for physical and emotional healing
– Alexander technique and movement therapy
– Individually tailored Yoga therapeutics